


(Click HERE for a printable copy).


The name of this organization shall be The Westlake Demons Athletic Boosters, also referred to as the WDAB (formally known as Westlake Demons Club). An organization not for profit, chartered in the State of Ohio per section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No member shall have any legal or equitable ownership in any of its funds or property.

The name shall not be associated with any enterprise without the authority of the membership.


The purpose of this organization shall be to unite the parents, students, faculty, alumni, and community in the common interest of supporting and encouraging the athletic programs and related activities of the Westlake School District.

The WDAB shall collectively work with the school district to promote projects to improve facilities and equipment necessary to promote those athletic programs. To accomplish this purpose, the membership shall support, sponsor and promote such fund raising activities as may be sanctioned by the membership. 

The Westlake Athletic Boosters Club shall do nothing that violates the rules of the Ohio High School Association or in any way jeopardize the membership of the school district in said athletic/activity association.


Membership shall be open to all interested parties who has a paid membership and has demonstrated a genuine interest in furthering the purpose of this organization. 

Membership and Dues shall run for the 12-month period beginning July 1st and ending June 30 of the following year. 

Membership Levels – are determined by the Membership Committee and approved by the Officers.


Section 1- Meeting Types 

Regular Meetings 

Regular business meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of each month. Time of meeting will be at 7:00 pm. The Officers shall provide the community notice of its meeting dates and locations by a method reasonably calculated to provide that notice (e.g. District or Booster website, WHBS, determined in the sole discretion of the Officers) 

The President shall preside over the meetings.  Vice President shall lead meetings if stated officers are absent. 

Solicitation of business activity or any attempt to sell products to the WDAB is prohibited during any meetings held by the boosters.  Solicitations should be directed to the appropriate committee chairperson for consideration and if applicable, a proposal to the membership. 

Annual Meeting 

There shall be at least one general membership meeting each year. At this meeting the membership shall consider and vote upon the annual budget for the coming year. The membership shall be notified in advance of the date of the annual meeting by the Officers by the same means as mentioned the regular meetings. 

Special Meetings 

Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority vote of the Officers. 

Section 2- Voting

All members in good standing shall be entitled to one vote at all general membership meetings. 

For any proposed expenditure above, 2,500 the Officers must approve by a majority vote.

Section 3 – Quorum 

General Membership Meetings: A quorum shall consist of at least 7 members. 

Officers meeting: A quorum shall consist of 4 Officers. 

Proxies: There shall not be any proxies. 

Section 4- Rules 

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all voting.


The By-Laws may be amended at a General Membership Meeting by the affirmative vote of the majority of the voting members present, provided fourteen days notice of the proposed changes has been communicated to the members. The Officers or 25% of the membership shall propose changes to the By-laws.


Section 1. Authority: 

The governing body of the Westlake Demons Athletic Boosters shall be the 4 (five) Officers.  Such positions have general control over ALL WDAB activity and committees.  With a majority vote of WDAB Officers, any Office, may for good cause, be declare vacant.

An Executive Board may be established to assist with the planning, programming and budgeting of WDAB.  The Executive board and would consist of the 4 elected officers, committee chairpersons and the Athletic Directors.

Section 2. Number: 

Officer’s terms will end in staggering years to ensure continuity.  Officers may serve multiple consecutive terms. Chairpersons may serve multiple consecutive terms. The athletic directors of the High School and Middle School shall be non-voting members of the Executive Board. 

Section 3. Nominations and Elections: 

Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting to be held no later than July 1st. The Officers shall create a Nominating Committee of three persons at least four weeks prior to the date of the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall propose a single slate of candidates that shall be provided to the membership three weeks prior to the date of the annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made by any five (5) members provided said nomination is in writing and filed with the secretary one (1) week prior to the date of the annual meeting, and provided further, that the written consent of the proposed nominee is also filed with the secretary by that date. Officers shall be elected to office by majority vote of the members in attendance at the annual general membership meeting. There shall be no proxy voting. 

Committee Chairpersons (or Co-Chairs) shall be nominated and elected at General Member meetings.  See Article 8 for a list of standing WDAB Committees.  Committee chairs will normally server a two-year term.  In the event of a Chairperson vacancy, the Officers by majority vote may appoint a replacement at any time. Any Chairpersons can be removed from their position, for good cause by a majority vote from the 4 elected Officers. 

Section 4 Qualifications: 

Officers and Chairpersons must be dues paying members of the WDAB. If an Officer misses three (3) consecutive meetings, he/she may be removed as an officer by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Officers.


Section 1. Officers: 

Officers of the WDAB shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, all of who shall be members of the Executive Board. Each officer will be an approved signer on all checks. 

Section 2. President:  2-year term beginning in ODD years

  1. Preside at meetings of the general membership and the Executive Board. 
  2. Be an ex officio member of all committees. 
  3. Provide general supervision, direction, and control of the business of the WDAB 
  4. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees 
  5. Represent or appoint a representative for the WDAB in meetings and discussions with school and city officials. 
  6. Pay expenditures approved by the general membership or Officers, in the absence of the Treasurer. 
  7. Report any activity of the Executive Board during the previous month, at each general meeting. 
  8. Prepare an agenda for each meeting. 
  9. The President shall have the final vote in case of a tie. 
  10. Subject to approval of the Officers, the President can establish any committee that he/she deems necessary to conduct business for the Boosters. 
  11. The President shall fill by appointment, subject to approval by the Officers, any vacancies that occur during tenure in office. 

Section 3. Vice-President: 2-year term beginning in EVEN years

  1. Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. 
  2. Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties. 
  3. Oversee all WDAB fundraising activities 
  4. Coordinates and generally approves, with consultation with other officers and Athletic Director and Varsity Coaches, the individual team’s separate fundraising events. (SEE ARTICLE 10) 
  5. Ensure that the WDAB’s books are reviewed by an independent auditor at the end of every fiscal year ending in an even year. 
  6. Ensure that the WDAB’s books are reviewed by an internal review completed at the end of each year and present the results of this review at the next Board of Directors meeting.

Section 5 – Secretary:  2-year term beginning in EVEN years

  1. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the general membership and the Executive Board. 
  2. Prepare and disseminate preliminary copies of meeting minutes to the President, and to other officers, committee chairpersons, and individuals, as appropriate. 
  3. Present the minutes of the previous meeting at the current meeting for approval. 
  4. Act as custodian of records of WDAB activities, including minutes of previous meetings. 
  5. Perform other administrative actions, as assigned by the President. 
  6. Shall generate all correspondence to person(s) and agencies outside the organization as needed.

Section 6 – Treasurer: 2-year term beginning in ODD years

  1. Keep accurate records of all income and expenditures to and from the General Fund and any Special Funds. 
  2. Collect all WDAB income and deposit it in the appropriate accounts. 
  3. Establish Team Reserve Accounts as needed and maintain account balance records (SEE ARTICLE 10.) 
  4. Pay all expenditures approved by the general membership or Executive Board. 
  5. Prepare and present a current financial report of the WDAB at each regular meeting. 
  6. Prepare an annual financial report after fiscal year end. 
  7. File forms with organizations of the federal, state, and local governments, as required by law. 
  8. Perform other finance related actions, as assigned by the President. 
  9. Take the necessary steps to maintain WDAB 501 C 3 Status. 
  10. Maintain banking relationships and accounts in good status. 
  11. Prepare for year-end audit.


  1. Spirit Rally 
  2. Concessions 
  3. Membership 
  4. Sports Program 
  5. Public Relations/Publicity 
  6. Spirit Wear Varsity Jacket Subcommittee-PE Uniforms Subcommittee 
  7. Alumni/Community Relations 
  8. Team Rep & Volunteer Coordinator 
  9. Scholarships (Nominated each spring) 
  10. Yard Signs 
  11. Spaghetti Dinner 
  12. Senior Banners

Additional Committees may be added or suspended based on the needs of the organization with a majority vote of the WDAB Officers.

Each committee has the ability to undertake activities, spend and use resources as approved by vote at the annual meeting and or subsequent vote.   Each committee will provide a monthly report to the Officers, specifically the Treasurer.


Section 1 Fiscal Year: 

The Fiscal Year of the Club will be the school year, July 1 through June 30. 

Section 2 Approved Signers of Checks: 

All checks will require two signatures of the approved signers. 

Section 3 Expenditures not exceeding $200: 

The President may spend up to $200 for any one expenditure, and not shall not exceed the total of $1,000 per year without prior approval of the Officers. The President must complete the expenditure form approved by the Officers. All such unapproved expenditures must be presented to the Officers at its next meeting. 

Section 4 Budget: 

Each team/coach should submit annually a “Needs” budget by May 31st, through the Athletic Director for consideration of expenditures for the following school year.  The President, VP, Treasurer, and Athletic Director will jointly review the budget requests and make an over budget recommendation.  The President, shall present to the General Membership, the proposed annual budget by June 30 for approval by the Officers outlining planned expenditures in support of team/coach budget submissions. 

Section 5 Out of Cycle or Ad Hoc Requests for Athletic Expenditures: 

All requests for expenditures must be submitted to the Athletic Director for review.  The Athletic Director will present all requests and provide a recommendation to the WDAB for consideration. All expenditures will be coordinated with the Athletic Department or Board of Education as necessary. 

Section 6 Awarding of Athletic Scholarship: 

Each Year, WDAB will award scholarships to graduating student athletes. The number athletes recognized as awardees and dollar value of the awarded scholarship will be determined annually during the selection process.  The Scholarship Chairperson will consult with the Officers to determine a recommendation on the number and value of the scholarships.  A minimum award of $500 will be made but higher amounts can be approved based on available funds.  The number of awardees should not exceed six athletes.  A Scholarship committee consisting of a Chairperson and two other committee members will determine awardees.  The Scholarship committee will review nomination packages submitted by student athletes.  The committee will follow a set evaluation criteria in reviewing and determining awardees.  It is preferable that the committees consist of a representative from the junior Class (Chair) and a representative from the sophomore and freshman classes.  Senior Class representatives cannot be on the Scholarship committee.  Each year, it is preferred that the committee representative will advance up to and a new freshman rep will be added.  All scholarship applicants must have a WDAB membership affiliation: Parent, grandparent, etc are members.


ARTICLE 10 TEAMS AND TEAM REPS: Each Varsity Team Coach shall identify a TEAM LIAISONREPS to serve as the team representative to WDAB. The Varsity Team REP will represent all JV and freshmen teams as needed and should request alternate liaisons as appropriate. LBMS Team REPS representatives can be established as appropriate for coordination with LBMS athletic teams. Coaches are encouraged to attend WDAB meetings when their sport is not in season. However, a Team Rep or alternate should attend every meeting. This allows WDAB to communicate more effectively with the larger team families. 

Teams can have up to 2 (two) individual fundraising events (such as meet the team, car wash, etc.) with approval/coordination from the VP for Fundraising. The purpose of this approval is to avoid conflict with other fundraising events. Funds raised by individual teams can be deposited in a Team Reserve Account with WDAB. Withdrawals from this account should be coordinated with the WDAB Treasurer and requires agreement (an email) from the Varsity Coach and the Team Rep. Supporting receipts are also needed. The WDAB President and Athletic Director will resolve any disputes regarding proposed withdrawals from Team Reserve Accounts.


A member of the Executive Board by assumption of that position thereby accepts the by laws of the WDAB as expressed in its purpose and submits himself/herself to and agrees to comply with and be bound by the Articles of Incorporation and by-laws of this organization.


Should any dispute arise between any member or members, or a former member or members of the Westlake Demons Athletic Boosters, or any officer or Member relative to membership, the office held or any alleged breach of the By-Laws or the expulsion of any member from the Club, or on any account whatsoever which cannot be satisfactorily settled by the parties, the matters in dispute shall be settled by arbitration. Each party shall appoint an arbitrator, and the arbitrators shall appoint an umpire. The decision arrived at by the arbitrators or, in the event of their disagreement, by the umpire, shall be final and binding on all parties.